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  • Immigration law enforcement in the EU: 2023 figures
    In 2023, 118 935 non-EU citizens were refused entry into the EU territory at one of its external borders, a 16% decrease compared with 142 420 in the previous year.  An additional 1.27 million people were found to be illegally present in one of the EU countries, indicating a 13% increase compared w...
  • Passenger cars per inhabitant remain stable in 2022
    In 2022, there were on average 0.56 passenger cars per inhabitant in the EU – same as in 2021. Behind this figure, notable regional differences emerge, stretching from 2.34 in Valle d’Aosta, Italy, to 0.08 in Mayotte, France. This information comes from data on transport statistics published by Eur...
  • 891 600 employed as authors, journalists or linguists
    In 2022, 891 600 people in the EU were employed as authors, journalists or linguists. This marks a 9.1% increase from the 816 800 recorded in 2017.  In 2022, the countries with the largest share of the EU people employed in these fields were Germany (25.6%), France (12.0%) and Spain (9.1%). Malta,...
  • Join us on Europe Day
    To mark the upcoming Europe Day, celebrated on 9 May, Eurostat will be setting up stands in Brussels and in Luxembourg. There you can explore our interactive publications and test your knowledge of the EU with a quiz. Depending on your score on the quiz, you can win different prizes.  Here are the...
  • EU workers: 7.1% worked 49 hours or more a week in 2023
    In 2023, 7.1% of employed people in the EU worked long hours in their main job.  Long working hours refer to those workers who usually spend 49 hours or more per week at work. Across the EU countries, Greece had the highest share of workers with long hours (11.6%), followed by Cyprus (10.4%) and Fr...
  • The 20th anniversary of the EU enlargement
    On 1 May, we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the 2004 EU enlargement when 10 new countries - Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia - joined the EU.  This marked the largest single enlargement of the EU in terms of territory, number of cou...
  • EU controlled 2 592 large-scale MNE groups in 2022
    In 2022, the EU controlled 2 592 large-scale multinational enterprise (MNE) groups operating in the EU and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries.  This makes up 66% of all the large-scale MNE groups, with EFTA countries making 8% of the share, while the rest of the world stood at 26%.  ...
  • EU aquaculture 2022: 1.08 million tonnes farmed
    In 2022, an estimated 1.08 million tonnes of aquatic organisms were farmed in the EU, valued at €4.9 billion. Aquaculture involves the controlled cultivation of fish, molluscs, algae and crustaceans. In 2022, 4 EU countries collectively accounted for about two-thirds (67%) of the total production o...
  • 47 million employed by multinational enterprise groups
    In 2022, 146 400 multinational enterprise (MNE) groups were operating in the EU and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries (EU-EFTA). They employed over 47 million people in EU-EFTA countries, or 28% of people working in the business economy including industry, construction and service...
  • 24% of first-time asylum applicants were children in 2023
    In 2023, 254 900 first-time asylum applicants registered in EU countries were children (persons under 18 years old), representing 24.3% of the total number of first-time asylum applications. Among those children, 17.0% were unaccompanied minors, corresponding to 4.1% of the total number of first-tim...

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